See and Sanctify: Exploring Jewish Symbols
Published in 1979
In the Judaic tradition symbol systems are composed of common elements e.g. a gate, light, a crown. In this catalogue "See and sanctify" modern interpretations of Jewish symbols mingle freely with those of a bygone generation. From a Bronze Age oil lamp to a computer graphic Magen David, the medium differs but the message and significance remains the same. Special thanks to the guest curator Moshe Davidowitz, the artistic designer Amiram Shamir, the exhibit designer Jeffery Serwatien, and the endowers of the museum, Ludwig and Erica Jesselson.
Soft cover booklet, 64 pages, 10.5" x 8.5"
48 black and white photos
ISBN: n/a
Price: $12.00
Member's Price: $9.00