Theodor Herzl: If You Will It, It Is Not A Dream
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of Theodor Herzl’s trailblazing book, Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State), Yeshiva University Museum mounted the first exhibition of Manfred Anson’s noteworthy collection of Herzliana. It traced Herzl’s life and career through manuscripts and autographs in Herzl’s hand, photographs, artwork, postcards, materials from the early Zionist congresses and the early years of the Jewish National Fund. The multitude of memorabilia demonstrated the enormous popularity of Herzl who was a hero to Jews all over the world. Contemporary items, ranging from posters to street signs, bear testimony to Herzl’s living legacy in the state of Israel. Soft cover, 108 pages, 10 x 8"
Black and white illustrations
ISBN: 0-945447-08-6
Price: $20.00
Member's Price: $16.00